Event Information
Event code EWEB22080201 Event Flyer Closed Language Cantonese
Event name MBIG webinar – The I Ching Leadership Wisdom in the Web3.0 Era
Web3.0 時代的易經領導智慧
CPD hours 1.00
Competency Change Management,Mainland Business IG Sub-Competency Developing plans, evaluating and managing change initiatives,Executing and supporting change initiatives
Level 1 - Foundation
Contact enrolment@hkicpa.org.hk / 2287 7381 for payment & enrolment status or marcoyip@hkicpa.org.hk / 2287 7009 (phone) for webinar information

Whether you are familiar with it or not, we are moving towards the Web3.0 era. As in the past, technology will drive change and let tradition precipitate. At the same time, the philosophy of leadership and management, in the metaverse age, also needs to adapt to the times.

I Ching (易經) "The Book of Changes", inheriting the ancient wisdom of China, has experienced thousands of years of technological change and the rise and fall of dynasties. In the eyes of many wise men, it is still the "Head of the classics" (群經之首) and "The study of heaven and man" (天人之學).

This webinar will introduce the leadership and management wisdom of I Ching in response to the opportunities and challenges of Web3.0.

Event Date
Date / Time CPD hours
02 Aug 2022 (18:30 - 19:30) 1.00
Fee Information
Type Fee (HKD)
Enrolment Member Fee 120.00
Student Fee 120.00
Non-member Fee 220.00
Full Hot and limited seat Promotion
Closed e-Learning Continuing Education Fund
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